団体からのお知らせ 詳細

写真展 「われわれは無国籍にされた」— 国境のロヒンギャ — (6/20 – 6/23) Photo gallery: “We are made Stateless”: Rohingya on the Border (6/20 – 6/23)

詳細 Details

【場所】館林市三の丸芸術ホール 展示室 (Web)
群馬県館林市城町1-2 (Map)

[Venue] Tatebayashi City Sannomaru Arts Hall, Exhibition Room (Web)

1-2 Shiromachi, Tatebayashi City, Gunma Prefecture, Japan (Zip Code: 374-0018) (Map)

Dates: June 20 (Thursday) to June 23 (Sunday) 2019.

【時間 TIME】10:00~21:00

【写真家】狩新那生助(かりにいな しょうすけ)・新畑克也(しんばた かつや)

Photographers: Shosuke Kalinina and Katsuya Shimbata


Cohosted: Burma Rohingya Association in Japan (BRAJ), Stateless Network, Stateless Network Youth

【問い合わせ Contact】officer@stateless-network.com




[English Below]





About the Exhibition

The Stateless Newtwork together with BRAJ will be hosting a photo exhibition featuring Rohingya refugees made stateless by the Burmese government and who are now living in Refugee camps in Bangladesh. Starting on June 20 which is World Refugee Day and finishing on the 23rd this is also one of the Stateless Networks 10 year anniversary events being held this year.

In 2017 the ongoing persecution of Rohingya in Myanmar (Burma) reached an unprecedented level of violence as villages were burned and massacres were taking place. As a result, many Rohingya were forced to flee across the border with Bangladesh. According to the UNHCR their numbers exceed 700 thousand. The discrimination, persecution, and violence directed against Rohingya has been ongoing for the last few decades. When those who had already fled across to Bangladesh in previous years, and who had been living in camps and surrounding areas, are added to those newly arriving refugees, their numbers, according to the UNHCR, come to around 1.3 million. Among the many camps near the border the Kutupalong refugee camp has become the largest refugee camp in the world. The photos on display at this exhibition are mostly taken in and around Kutupalong refugee camp, as well as a selection of photos taken in a camp for internally displaced people (IDPs) inside Burma.

Rohingya, who have faced persecution for many years inside Burma based on issues of race, religion, and ethnic identity, have fled to many countries around the world seeking asylum. They were made stateless because their citizenship has been denied by the previous military government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, and this continues to be a major issue of contention in the current crisis. Rohingya have been seeking asylum in Japan since the end of the 1980s, and it is estimated that around 120 Rohingya have sought asylum in Japan. Around 100 have been granted refugee status or humanitarian protection by the Japanese government. When including family members brought to Japan, children born in Japan, and those still waiting for their asylum claims to be accepted, the number of Rohingya living in Japan is estimated to be around 250 to 300 people. Tatebayashi city, in Gunma prefecture has the largest concentration of Rohingya in Japan where they have been living as members of civil society for many years.

It is hoped that the gallery will provide an opportunity for interaction and understanding between Japanese residents of Tatebayashi city and Rohingya who are also residents of the city. The exhibition also aims to raise awareness of the plight of Rohingya in the camps and of those remaining inside Burma. The exhibition also aims to provide an opportunity for promoting the activities of Burmese Rohingya Association in Japan (BRAJ) directed towards assisting refugees living in the camps in Bangladesh.



狩新那生助(かりにいな しょうすけ)フリーランス・フォトグラファー




Shosuke Kalinina has visited the border region of Burma and Bangladesh many times as a freelance photographer and at this exhibition we will be displaying photos taken in 2014 and in 2016 (published in 2017 and 2018 respectively), both inside and in the surrounding areas of the Kutupalong refugee camp. His publications include 「クトゥパロンの涙―難民キャンプで生き抜くロヒンギャ民族―」[Tears of Kutupalong: Rohingya People Enduring Life in a Refugee Camp] (2018) and 「ナフ川の向こうに―バングラデシュで生き抜くロヒンギャ民族―」[Beyond the Naf River: Rohingya People Surviving in Bangladesh] (2017).

新畑克也(しんばや かつや)ドキュメンタリー・フォトグラファー



Katsuya Shimbata has been visiting Rakhine State as a documentary photographer in recent years. He has taken photos of Rohingya living inside Burma in Rakhine state in 2016 and has also visited the Kutupalong refugee camp in Bangladesh in 2017. At this exhibition we are displaying works taken in Kutupalong refugee camp, and those taken in a camp inside Burma for internally displaced people (IDPs).

He received an Award of Excellence for his work displayed at the Japan Myanmar Photo Exhibition at the 2019 Myanmar Festival in Tokyo.


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