African Development Bank Group
- 団体名
- African Development Bank Group
- 団体種別
- 国際機関
- 所在地
- 東京都
- 設立年月
- 1964/ 09
- 設立目的・事業内容
- The African Development Bank (AfDB) Group's mission is to help reduce poverty, improve living conditions for Africans and mobilize resources for the continent's economic and social development. With his objective in mind, the institution aims at assisting African countries, individually and collectively, in their efforts to achieve sustainable economic development and social progress. Combating poverty is at the heart of the continent's efforts to attain sustainable economic growth. To this end, the Bank seeks to stimulate and mobilize internal and external resources to promote investments as well as provide its regional member countries with technical and financial assistance. The institution's greatest assets are its human resources which come from a wide geographic area. The Bank is an equal opportunity employer and firmly believes that recruitment from a wide geographical and cultural spectrum enriches the institution with varied talents, experiences and skills that will enhance the quality of human resources management and ultimately the realization of the Bank's mission of reducing poverty across the continent. In accordance with its policy of decentralization aimed at taking its operations closer to its beneficiaries, the Bank has 30 Field Offices across Africa.
- 活動分野
- 教育、民間セクター開発、都市開発・地域開発、環境管理、ガバナンス
- 活動国
- 53 Regional Member Countries in Africa
- 活動実績(国内)
- 活動実績(海外)
- During 2010, the Bank Group continued to implement its Medium Term Strategy (from 2008 to 2012) by focusing on the operational priority areas of infrastructure development, private sector development, governance, higher education, technology and vocational training, while pursuing selectivity in its operations. The institution also consolidated its role as a knowledge bank for the continent, not only by widely disseminating research findings, publishing flagship reports, and updating its Data Portal, but also by undertaking economic and sector work (ESW), and eliciting lessons learned to inform its future operations. The Bank's role as a voice for Africa at major international fora was reinforced by its active participation at the Third Korea Africa Economic (KOAFEC) meeting in September 2010 and later at the G20 Summit in Seoul in November 2010. Another major achievement during the year was resource mobilization, as the Bank tripled its capital resources through a 200 percent Sixth General Capital Increase, while securing a 10.6 percent increase in contributions from State Participants for the ADF12 replenishment over the ADF11 level. Bank Group approvals in 2010 amounted to UA 4.10 billion compared to UA 8.06 billion recorded in the previous year. The approvals in 2010 signaled the lending trend returning to its normal level after the unprecedented demand for Bank Group resources in 2009 due to the global financial crisis.
- SDGsへの取り組み