- 職務分野
- 多岐にわたる分野
- 業務期間
- 2019/11/01 ~
- 休日
- 時間外労働
- その他業務条件
- 業務開始日は2019年11月を目途としているが、今後の採用手続きの進捗に従う。
- 業務内容
The External Relations Officer ensures ADB's effective engagement with key stakeholders in Japan, including international organizations. The External Relations Officer's specific responsibilities are:
a. Building and Maintaining Relationships with Target Audiences
- Establishes and manages the positive relationship with the Government officials, top-tier media, private sector, civil society organizations and nongovernment organizations [civil society organizations (CSOs)/nonprofit organization (NGOs)], development partner agencies, academia and other key Japanese constituency who can influence the relationship between ADB and Japan.
- Implements external relations strategies of the JRO in liaison with DOC, ensuring accurate and consistent messages in all communications with target audiences in Japan according to the JRO's strategy
b. Managing Media Relationships and Facilitating Media Events
- Organizes media events, such as press conferences and interviews, and provides public relations support including media briefings, during visits of ADB Management and senior staff and other major outreach events in collaboration with DOC as needed.
- Interacts with media and prepares news releases, press statements, and other materials and provides public relations support as needed.
- Provides the Representative with feedback and advises on media relations in consultation with DOC.
- Develops and maintains a national media contact and distribution list
c. Monitoring Media Coverage of ADB
- Monitors daily media coverage in Japan on topics relevant to ADB, and advises the Representative and other concerned Offices and Departments in the ADB Headquarters (HQ) as required. Provides DOC with regular news monitoring reports and a media analyses on ADB's profile in target media.
- Gathers information from media, CSO/NGOs, Government, and other relevant sources on issues relevant to ADB to enhance and strengthen the relationship between ADB and Japan
d. Managing Dissemination of Products and Information
- Develops and produces promotional materials such as fact sheets, briefs, and brochures, in consultation with DOC as required.
- Edits and publishes JRO e-newsletter and arranges for translation of ADB selected publications and public awareness materials into Japanese.
- Updates and maintains the JRO website and the JRO social media sites in coordination with DOC. Develops other digital content as needed.
- Organizes other outreach events as needed, in consultation with the Representative and concerned HQ offices and departments.
e. Implementation of ADB's Disclosure Requirements
- Manages responses to public inquiries and implements the disclosure aspects of the Public Consultation Policy (PCP) in Japan in close consultation with HQ. Ensures documents and information are made publicly available according to the PCP guidelines and that the PCP requirements are implemented. Advises JRO staff on the disclosure requirements of the PCP.
f. Advice on External Relations Policy, Strategy, Plans and Implementation
- Supports the Representative in developing, updating and monitoring the JRO's external relations strategy, budget and action plan, and provides communication advice and management support on JRO's external relations. Acts as a key link between the JRO and DOC in ensuring the consistency and coherence of the JRO strategy and DOC's bank-wide external relations policy and strategy.
- 職種
- 経営・企画・広報系
- 勤務形態
- 正職員
- PARTNERでは斡旋、マッチングは行っておりません。詳しくは規約をご確認ください。
- ウェブ応募時の個人登録者の個人情報の扱いは案件を主管する登録団体の定めによることとします。尚、Web応募を実施することにより、団体に対するプロフィール公開項目の提示に同意したものとみなします。
- 語学力
- 不問
- 英語および日本語でのライティング/ コミュニケーションスキル
- 学位
- 学士以上
- 類似業務経験年数
- 最低8年以上の広報関連業務経験
- その他必要な業務経験・能力
- 待遇
- 加入保険
- 応募方法
アジア開発銀行(ADB)の応募システム(ACES: ADB Career and Employment System)に登録の上、応募してください。
- 募集人数
- 1
- 募集期間
- 2019/09/13 00:00 ~ 2019/09/27 23:59
- 応募時の注意事項
広報官(External Relations Officer)
- 担当部課
- アジア開発銀行駐日代表事務所
- 担当者氏名
- 田染 潮(たしぶ うしお)
- 電話番号
- 03-3504-3160
- メールアドレス
- utashibu@adb.org
- ホームページ
- https://www.adb.org/
- 担当者から一言