【Médecins Sans Frontières Japan/国境なき医師団日本】リレーションシップ・ディベロップメント・シニアオフィサー:大口法人寄付者担当(ファンドレイジング部門)
- 職務分野
- 緊急・人道支援、多岐にわたる分野
- 業務期間
- 2025/04/01 ~
- Starting date is negotiable. 開始時期は相談可
- 試用期間
- 6ヶ月
- 就業時間
- 09:00 ~ 18:00 (休憩時間: 12:00 ~ 13:00 )
- Flexible working hours with a standard working day of 8 hours (Core time 10:00~16:00) 1日の標準労働時間を8時間とするフレックスタイム制(コアタイム10:00~16:00)
- 休日
- 土、日、年末年始、その他
- 祝日
- 時間外労働
- あり
- 10時間~20時間
- その他業務条件
- 業務内容
Purpose of the position
Relationship Development Senior Officer is the position to manage, motivate, and enhance the engagement of ‘High Value’ corporate and individual donors (mainly corporate) by one to one personal approach in order to maintain and increase donation income for Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).
Relationship Development Senior Officer is expected:
- To maintain and strengthen engagement of ‘High Value’ corporate donors
- To maintain and increase donation from ‘High Value’ corporate donors
Main Responsibilities
1)Maintaining and strengthening relationships with existing corporate donors (expected time allocation: around 50%)
- Maintain and strengthen relationships with donors by reporting on medical activities and the use of funds in the field through regular communication (visits, phone calls, emails, letters)
- In the event of an emergency, quickly inform donors of the situation in the field and MSF's funding needs to maximize donation opportunities
- Plan and implement measures (seminars, creation and sending of materials) targeting multiple donors
- Increase awareness and understanding by involving employees of the corporation in activity reports and donation events, and also lead to an increase in individual donations
2)Inbound response (expected time allocation: around 20%)
- Respond efficiently to inquiries from corporations (especially when the number of inquiries increases due to an emergency situation)
- When accepting donations, conduct case reviews, industry checks (due diligence as necessary), and contract signing, etc.
- Update the rules for accepting donations (industry checks, due diligence) as necessary.
- Regularly check the status of contracts.
3)Acquiring new corporate donors (expected time allocation: around 10%)
- Develop and strengthen relationships with corporations that have no donation history, either individually or through mass measures
- To achieve the above, work with other teams to send direct mail, hold events, etc.
- Build and strengthen relationships with influencers who can influence corporate decision-making
4)People/team management (expected time allocation: around 10%)
- Coordinate with staff in charge of corporate donations and make arrangements within and outside of MSF
- Daily supervision for officer level staffs and assistant
- Motivate, support and coach team members
- Contribute in maintaining healthy/cooperative working environment
- Give input and provide proposal for team/group/function wide objectives
5)Contribution for MSF Japan and the movement (expected time allocation: around 10%)
- Lead and collaborate with other stakeholders to ensure the superior donor experience.
- Ensure alignment among departments and teams to generate synergies, economy of scale/scope.
- Provide meaningful input for MSF Japan review/plan sessions.
- Proactively create networks with external organizations, communities and individuals in order to contribute to MSF Japan activities.
For a detailed job description, skills and experience, please see the Job Description.
職務内容、スキルおよび経験についての詳細は英文 Job Description を参照してください。
- 職種
- 寄附・国際交流・在留外国人支援
- 勤務形態
- 正職員
- 働き方
- テレワーク、フレックス、副業・掛け持ち
- 応募要項詳細資料
- JD_DEV2025.pdf
- PARTNERでは斡旋、マッチングは行っておりません。詳しくは規約をご確認ください。
- ウェブ応募時の個人登録者の個人情報の扱いは案件を主管する登録団体の定めによることとします。尚、Web応募を実施することにより、団体に対するプロフィール公開項目の提示に同意したものとみなします。
- 語学力
- 英語
- Business level English Fluent level Japanese ビジネスレベルの英語力 流暢な日本語
- 技術資格
- At least 5 years of experience in marketing/customer relationship management/sales management
- A sincere personality and high communication skills
- Aspiration in humanitarian activities and social issues, empathy with the philosophy of MSF
- Self-starter. Ability to achieve the goals with minimum guidelines
- Skills to identify, analyse and solve complex problems
- Fluent Japanese and business English for internal communication
- Advanced level of Microsoft word, excel, and PowerPoint
- Fundraising experience in ‘High Value’ donation market
- Experience of creating materials including direct mails, new letters, and advertisements
- Use experience on CRM digital tool such as Salesforce
For a detailed job description, skills and experience, please see the Job Description.
職務内容、スキルおよび経験についての詳細は英文 Job Description を参照してください。
- 給与レンジ(月額:円)
- 40~50万未満
- 昇格あり
- 試用期間の待遇
- 変更なし
- 待遇
・Salary is determined based on job grade.
・Flexible working hours with a standard working day of 8 hours
・Full social insurance
・Commuting allowance, work from home allowance, and child allowance (in accordance with the organization's regulations)
・Two full days off per week. In addition to annual paid vacations(24 days/year), year-end and New Year vacations and congratulation or condolence leave are available.・Salary includes 20 hours of fixed overtime pay.
・Others: No smoking indoors in principle (smoking rooms are available)・給与は職位体系グレードに基づいて決定
・その他 :屋内原則禁煙(喫煙室あり)- 福利厚生
- 交通費支給、時間外手当支給、完全週休2日制、各種社会保険完備、研修制度充実
- 在宅勤務制度有
- 加入保険
- あり
- 社会保険完備
- 応募方法
Submit CV (in English), Motivation Letter (in English and Japanese), 日本語の履歴書(できれば顔写真つき), 職務経歴書 to the email address:
hqhr-recruitment@tokyo.msf.org- 募集人数
- 1
- 募集期間
- 2025/01/22 18:30 ~ 2025/02/24 23:59
- 応募時の注意事項
・Please identify the position you apply for when you send us the email.
・Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.・Eメールの件名欄に職種名を明記してください。
【Médecins Sans Frontières Japan/国境なき医師団日本】リレーションシップ・ディベロップメント・シニアオフィサー:大口法人寄付者担当(ファンドレイジング部門)
特定非営利活動法人 国境なき医師団日本
- 担当部課
- 事務局人事部
- 電話番号
- 03-5286-6123
- メールアドレス
- hqhr-recruitment@tokyo.msf.org
- ホームページ
- http://www.msf.or.jp