応募締切 03/23
【Médecins Sans Frontières Japan/国境なき医師団日本】人事・ディパーチャー・オフィサー(フィールド人事部門)
- 職務分野
- 緊急・人道支援、多岐にわたる分野
- 業務期間
- 2025/04/21 ~
- Starting date is negotiable. 勤務開始日については応相談
- 試用期間
- 6ヶ月
- 就業時間
- 09:00 ~ 18:00 (休憩時間: 12:00 ~ 13:00 )
- Flexible working hours with a standard working day of 8 hours (Core time 10:00~16:00) 1日の標準労働時間を8時間とするフレックスタイム制(コアタイム10:00~16:00)
- 休日
- 土、日、年末年始、その他
- 祝日
- 時間外労働
- あり
- 10時間~20時間
- その他業務条件
- Requirements of the position Based in Japan (Commutable to MSF Japan Office in Waseda)
- 業務内容
Purpose of the department
MSF Japan’s Field Human Resources (FHR) Department is responsible for managing the outreach, recruitment, placement, capacity building, career development, and psychosocial support for internationally mobile staff to meet the operational needs of MSF internationally. FHR Department closely works with Communications, Fundraising, Advocacy, and Support Services Departments and Tokyo Cell.
As HR Officer: To support the Field Human Resources (FHR) Department in administrative matters for internationally mobile staff.
As Departure Officer: To provide support to the Field Human Resources (FHR) Department in dealing with all administrative procedure related to the movements of internationally mobile staff arrivals/departures both for OCP Tokyo Cell and Operational Directorates.
Main responsibilities
1. HR Officer
After confirmation by Operational DirectoratesBe sure to receive Work Orders from Operational Directorates, and then to prepare contracts & get signed and collect all payroll-relevant data and contact MSF overseas offices to provide salary, assignment and other data
- Provide internationally mobile staff with country information, information on contract related issues including insurance and relevant social security information
- Brief and debrief internationally mobile staff on contractual matters including social insurance and assist with questions
- Undertake administrative activities related to provision of internationally mobile staff insurances, including insurance registration, informing insurance providers of assignments; and assist internationally mobile staff with health insurance claims, and other matters
- Calculate, for approval of Field HR Manager, salary scale level for internationally mobile staff, taking into account MSF and other NGO experiences and position level
Internationally mobile staff return
- Debrief salary and social insurance matters
- Expenses reimbursement
- Close contracts and cancel social insurance post-assignment
General FHR administration
- Regular update FHR database
- FHR weekly heads up
- Manage MIF (Monthly Information Form) -> Clarify monthly internationally mobile staff’s departure/arrival info with each OC
2. Departure Officer
- Manage all administrative matters related to the arrival/departure/training of internationally mobile staffs
- Negotiate the best fares/rates with travel agencies/flight companies/hotels
- Revise and manage the reimbursement policy (travel expense, vaccination fee, medical checkup) for internationally mobile staff with MSF Japan Finance team
- Ensure internationally mobile staff are covered by MSH global insurance and act as main contact person for all MSH internationally mobile staff insurance matters
Back up Departure Officer for OCP Tokyo Cell
- Contact mission coordination team and get the information about visa and documents necessary for work permit
- Pass the above information to the contracting section
- Collect all documents and pass them to the mission coordination team
- Schedule internationally mobile staff ’s departure and return
- Arrange flights and accommodation for internationally mobile staff to the mission
職務内容、スキルおよび経験についての詳細は英文 Job Description を参照してください。
- 職種
- 事務・管理・経理
- 勤務形態
- 正職員
- 働き方
- テレワーク、フレックス、副業・掛け持ち
- PARTNERでは斡旋、マッチングは行っておりません。詳しくは規約をご確認ください。
- ウェブ応募時の個人登録者の個人情報の扱いは案件を主管する登録団体の定めによることとします。尚、Web応募を実施することにより、団体に対するプロフィール公開項目の提示に同意したものとみなします。
- 語学力
- 英語
- Good command of English Native-level Japanese 優れた英語力 ネイティブレベルの日本語
- 技術資格
- Commitment to the principles, values and goals of MSF
- A degree in Human Resources Management, Business Administration and Management, Tourism or similar fields
- 2 years’ experience in administration management or related field
- Previous experience with MSF or other humanitarian NGOs is desirable
- High level of integrity and experience dealing with confidential and sensitive matters
- Native level of Japanese and good command of English
- Well organized with ability to work under pressure and manage a number of different tasks to tight timelines
- Excellent judgment and skilled in diplomacy
- Ability to work independently as well as in a team
- Effective computer skills (word, excel, internet and database)
- Well-developed sense of humor
- Availability to work outside normal office hours, on occasions
- 給与レンジ(月額:円)
- 30~40万未満
- 昇格あり
- 試用期間の待遇
- 変更なし
- 待遇
・Salary is determined based on job grade.
・Flexible working hours with a standard working day of 8 hours
・Full social insurance
・Commuting allowance, work from home allowance, and child allowance (in accordance with the organization's regulations)
・Two full days off per week. In addition to annual paid vacations (24 days/year), year-end and New Year vacations and congratulation or condolence leave are available.
・Salary includes 20 hours of fixed overtime pay.・Probation period: 6 months
・Others: No smoking indoors in principle (smoking rooms are available)・ 給与は職位体系グレードに基づいて決定
・ 1日の標準労働時間を8時間とするフレックスタイム制
・ 社会保険完備
・ 通勤手当、在宅勤務手当、子ども手当支給(当団体規定による)
・ 完全週休2日制。24日/年の年次有給休暇の他に、年末年始・慶弔休暇あり
・ 給与には20時間分の固定残業代含む
・ 試用期間:6か月
・ その他 :屋内原則禁煙(喫煙室あり)- 福利厚生
- 交通費支給、時間外手当支給、完全週休2日制、各種社会保険完備、研修制度充実
- 在宅勤務制度有
- 加入保険
- あり
- 社会保険完備
- 応募方法
Submit CV (in English), Motivation letter (in English), 日本語の履歴書(できれば顔写真つき), 職務経歴書, 志望動機書 to the email address:
・ Please identify the position you are applying for when you send us the email.
・ Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.
・ We will close the position as soon as the best candidate is selected.CV(英文)、Motivation letter(英文)、日本語の履歴書(できれば顔写真つき)、職務経歴書、志望動機書を以下Eメール宛ご送付ください。
・ Eメールの件名欄に職種名を明記してください。
・ ご応募の際、この人材募集をご覧になった求人媒体名をお書き添え願います。
・ 書類選考を通過した候補者の方のみにご連絡差し上げます。
・ 採用が決まり次第、募集を終了させていただきます。
- 募集人数
- 1
- 募集期間
- 2025/03/05 12:00 ~ 2025/03/23 23:59
【Médecins Sans Frontières Japan/国境なき医師団日本】人事・ディパーチャー・オフィサー(フィールド人事部門)
特定非営利活動法人 国境なき医師団日本
- 担当部課
- 事務局人事部
- 電話番号
- 03-5286-6123
- メールアドレス
- hqhr-recruitment@tokyo.msf.org
- ホームページ
- http://www.msf.or.jp