- 職務分野
- 教育、民間セクター開発、ガバナンス、平和構築、援助アプローチ/戦略/手法、事業調整・南南・三角協力、評価、安全管理
- 業務期間
- 2024/03/01 ~
- 休日
- 時間外労働
- その他業務条件
- ・ 就業時間:実働8時間/日、週40時間労働制 ※ 試用期間終了後にフレックスタイム・テレワーク制度利用可能 ※ 36協定に基づく残業有 ・ 雇用形態:有期雇用契約(3年)。有期雇用期間終了後に相互合意に基づく無期雇用契約への転換有。 ・ 試用期間:3カ月(別途延長の可能性有) ・ 所定休日:土、日、祝日、年末年始、その他代表部の定める休日 ・ 有給休暇:20日付与(初年度は在籍期間按分)。慶弔休暇有
- 業務内容
• Initiates, formulates and implements strategies to address identified issues and meet the delegation’s objectives in the legal domain, taking also into account ICRC’s broader institutional strategies, policies and doctrines.
• Analyses the situation, advises and provides guidance on the applicable national and international legal frameworks and norms in relation to delegation activities, objectives, strategies and plans of action to address identified legal and other related issues.
• Performs independent research on and analysis of specific legal issues, as well as broader sectors of the national legal system.
• Drafts legal notes/analyses and contributes with legal aspects to working papers, summary reports, ‘non-papers’, etc. related to delegation activities and objectives.
• Initiates and manages IHL dissemination activities mainly directed at specialized audiences and supports the implementation of strategies, programmes and action plans related to IHL treaty participation, the development of relevant domestic legal and policy frameworks and mechanisms for their implementation.
• Provides legal advice and technical assistance to national authorities and delegation staff.
• Monitors developments in the national implementation of IHL and relevant international human rights law (IHRL) norms.
• Maintains and develops relations with academic circles, influential players and a network of partners and contacts linked to legal questions and policy, and supports the teaching of IHL, as well as IHL promotion and implementation.
• Prepares minutes of meetings for internal and external use, as well as internal reports of IHL-related updates and activities of interest to the delegation.
• Represents the ICRC in external fora and events and contributes to positioning it as a reference on IHL and its implementation.
• Contributes to the planning, preparation and execution of programmes for internal and external guests of the delegation which are relevant to IHL promotion and implementation.
• Interacts with government authorities, legislators, and the judiciary, provides legal advice and technical assistance to national authorities for the adoption of legal and administrative IHL implementation measures and related policies.
• Creates and maintains networks of legal experts for events with the internal and external capacities of the delegation and the institution. Facilitates and coordinates IHL-related events, i.e. IHL Moot & Roleplay Competitions and activities, and works in close coordination with internal stakeholders and other team members on shaping the design and content of the events. Develops and ensures compliance with the delegation’s budget envelope, while seeking to optimize the cost/effectiveness of events and activities.
• Assesses the quality of services of external suppliers including translation services, as relevant.
• Coordinates and supervises external consultancies on legal issues.
• Adapts, as relevant and pertinent, texts in English/Japanese on IHL-related issues (press releases, key reports, policy and position papers, web articles, IHL related documents/ articles, texts for local publication, presentations for press conferences, etc.) in coordination with HoCOM. Prepares IHL related materials that are of interest to interlocutors (e.g. the Diet members) in Japanese.
• Supports as relevant the implementation of other prevention or protection related objectives of the delegation.
• Reviews the effectiveness and impact of ICRC messaging related to IHL issues.- 職種
- その他
- 勤務形態
- 契約
- 働き方
- テレワーク、フレックス
- PARTNERでは斡旋、マッチングは行っておりません。詳しくは規約をご確認ください。
- ウェブ応募時の個人登録者の個人情報の扱いは案件を主管する登録団体の定めによることとします。尚、Web応募を実施することにより、団体に対するプロフィール公開項目の提示に同意したものとみなします。
- 語学力
- 英語
- Japanese speaker and Fluent (min C1) in English - one other ICRC working language (French, Spanish, Arabic or Russian) an asset.
- 学位
- 学士あるいは同等程度
- 給与レンジ(月額:円)
- 50万以上
- 昇格・賞与あり
- 待遇
- 福利厚生
- 時間外手当支給、完全週休2日制、各種社会保険完備、研修制度充実、資格取得支援制度
- 加入保険
赤十字国際委員会(ICRC)駐日代表部 法律顧問 募集
赤十字国際委員会(ICRC) 駐日代表部
- 担当者氏名
- 中村
- 電話番号
- 03-6628-5450
- メールアドレス
- tok_tokyo@icrc.org
- ホームページ
- https://jp.icrc.org/