- 職務分野
- 援助アプローチ/戦略/手法、多岐にわたる分野
- 業務期間
- 2023/12/01 ~ 2024/03/31
- 休日
- 時間外労働
- その他業務条件
- 業務開始日は目安となります。
- 業務内容
Key deliverables:
1. Assess needs: undertake a light needs assessment building on the results and recommendations of the 2022 evaluation. The identification of needs should align with the Strategic Plan and it’s transformational priorities, the People Strategy and UN commitments such as SDGs 2030, Quintet of Change and other key frameworks. The process should include consultations with stakeholders including managers, staff and technical/thematic focal points. A concept note and framework should be prepared and agreed with management (maximum of 5 pages).
2. Design of programme: Design the new programme based on agreed framework including online component, peer based interactive workshop (onsite) and reinforcement follow up activities e.g. learning exchanges, mentoring, other. The design should maximize on learning outcomes and impact through a demand driven approach that emphasizes both knowledge aquation and application of learning. The approach should build a set of standardized foundational skills and common knowledge across OCHA’s areas of work. The learning outcomes should address both humanitarian specific and wider learning outcomes relating to organizational culture. The UN Value and Behaviors Framework is considered a key reference for the outcomes. Another important outcome is to build community amongst participants for a sustained support network and future collaboration. It’s methods should maximize engagement activities and tools such as action learning, expert webinars, forum discussions and other innovative approaches. The approach should include an assessment of learning framework.
3. Develop a monitoring and evaluation framework: this should be prepared along with tools and templates such as course pre-and post-assessment surveys and others. It should build on the OCHA Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Learning and Training.
業務の詳細並びに応募方法については、以下のURLをご覧ください。 https://careers.un.org/jobSearchDescription/221305?language=en
- 職種
- その他
- 勤務形態
- その他
- 働き方
- 海外勤務
- PARTNERでは斡旋、マッチングは行っておりません。詳しくは規約をご確認ください。
- ウェブ応募時の個人登録者の個人情報の扱いは案件を主管する登録団体の定めによることとします。尚、Web応募を実施することにより、団体に対するプロフィール公開項目の提示に同意したものとみなします。
- 語学力
- 英語
- English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For this post, fluency in English (both written and verbal skills) is required and a working knowledge of French (both written and verbal) is desirable.
- 学位
- 修士以上
- 技術資格
- A first-level university degree (i.e. Bachelor’s degree or equivalent) in one of the above mentioned academic disciplines in combination with qualifying relevant professional experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.
- 類似業務経験年数
- 関連分野で10年以上の職務経験のある方。(詳細は募集要項を参照。)
- 給与レンジ(月額:円)
- 50万以上
- 待遇
- 福利厚生
- 国連事務局の規定等によります。
- 加入保険
- 応募方法
- 募集人数
- 1名
- 募集期間
- 2023/11/21 00:00 ~ 2023/11/28 23:59
国連人道問題調整事務所(OCHA)【コンサルタント急募】在宅 トレーナー
国連人道問題調整事務所(OCHA) 本部
- 電話番号
- 078-262-5555
- メールアドレス
- ocha-kobe@un.org
- ホームページ
- https://www.unocha.org/